Ruth Harkness is a Registered Naturopathic Nutritional Therapist, based in Dorset.

Ruth is passionate about educating and empowering individuals to make the dietary & lifestyle changes they need to turn around their health & wellbeing.

Years of suffering with poor health, & putting up with symptoms disrupting her life, gives her an understanding of the frustration and isolation that comes with the suffering.

Whilst studying for 5 years at The College of Naturopathic medicine, Ruth gained clinical experience and deepened her knowledge on how best to support her clients through diet, lifestyle and supplementation to take control of their health again.

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Ruth specialises in supporting clients struggling with their gut health, those with IBS symptoms, food intolerances, bloating and reflux. She also focuses on improving clients brain health for those suffering with anxiety, depression and stress.

Through working with clients in an in-depth and detailed manner, Ruth loves seeing the transformations in their health and the positive impact this has on their lives.

Ready to find out more?

What is Naturopathic Nutritional Therapy?

Nutritional therapy is the application of nutrition science in the promotion of health, Peak performance and individual care’ – CNHC

Nutritional therapy can be used for enhancing overall health & wellbeing, or for those suffering with poor health.
