

Everything you should know before taking supplements

Whether it is online, or on the high street, we have easy access to both buying supplements and reading about which ones we might need. Social media has also opened up to feeding us information and influencing us into thinking we need to be eating or taking certain supplements. Should we be supplementing though, is…

Bach Flower Remedies

What are Bach Flower remedies? Bach flower remedies were developed by Dr Edward Bach in the 1930’s. He observed that illness presented in the body when there was mental disharmony. When flower remedies aid a person emotionally, resolution of physical illness can follow.  Rescue remedy is a commonly known mix of several flower remedies which…

Foods to support your immune system

While eating a healthy, balanced diet with a good variety and colour of foods is ideal for keeping us well, there are some foods with particular immune supporting properties. As well as the listed benefits, the foods below are high in vitamins and minerals needed for staying healthy over the winter months. Add the following foods…

Lifestyle tips for your immune health

It is that time of year again, people coughing in the supermarket, children getting cold after cold, and no doubt at some point you’ll come down with something. Prevention is always better than cure though, and rather than waiting to find a fix once you’re run down, there are plenty of dietary and lifestyle tips…

Vitamin D- Should you be supplementing?

Vitamin D While it isn’t advisable to self supplement without advice from a professional, vitamin D is one supplement we should all be considering taking. From October to March, it is recommended that everyone supplements with vitamin D, because we can not produce adequate amounts from sunlight exposure.  There are few food sources of vitamin…

Why we should be eating seasonally

  What does eating seasonally mean? We are used to seeing most fruit and vegetables available to buy from the local supermarket all year round, whatever the season. If you check the label, you will see how far the fruit or vegetables have been flown across the world so we can buy it as we…